Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hair Loss - The cause and The cure

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Thinning hair is one of the major causes of social embarrassment in our population. Men and women, particularly women, find that advancing baldness is very upsetting. Whilst some people try to make baldness fashionable by shaving their hair the reality is that it is not. Many people would like to know how to affect hair regrowth. DHT is the culprit, what is the solution?      The vast majority of hair loss problems is caused by an inherited condition called pattern baldness. Both men and women can suffer from pattern baldness though it is more common in men. Men and women also suffer from pattern baldness a little differently, men often losing larger amounts of their hair which can result in bald spots right through to almost complete baldness whilst women tend to experience thinning hair more than complete baldness.        The cause of the actual hair loss is the operation of a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a hormone derived from the hormone testosterone. It is now known that this is the culprit in cases of pattern baldness which is the major cause of demand for treatments for hair regrowth. DHT is present in men and women.            The DHT limits the capacity of the hair follicle to take up nutrients. Exactly how this happens is not known and why it happens to different degrees in different people is also a bit of a mystery. But very few doubts remain that DHT is the cause of hair thinning in cases of both male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. And one way that the action of DHT is suppressed is by the use of a proprietary DHT blocker. Hair regrowth may recommence if the action of DHT is limited              A DHT blocker can operate in a number of ways to promote hair growth. DHT is extremely hard to block.              There are 2 products approved by the FDA for use as male hair loss products. One is finasteride which is a DHT blocker. Unfortunately finasteride seems to have some unpleasant side-effects including on one's sex drive. This does not occur for everybody however is something that one ought to consider.             The other product approved by the FDA is minoxidil. This is not a DHT blocker however may have some suppressing effects however it is thought that minoxidil encourages hair regrowth by improving the supply of blood to the hair follicle. More blood transports a better nutrients supply thereby allowing their hair to take up more nutrients.       Both finasteride and minoxidil have been shown in studies to have some beneficial effects for hair restoration, though not for everybody.     There are several important steps to promoting hair regrowth. DHT blocking is one of them but it is also important to improve the supply of nutrients to the hair follicle. Minoxidil has been shown to be effective in cases of hair regrowth but has limited effect in blocking DHT. However it is now possible to buy minoxidil in a product that includes a complete range of essential hair nutrients together with one natural product (saw palmetto) that has also been shown to have an effect of limiting DHT.             Minoxidil on its own is not as effective as minoxidil when combined with hair nutrients and an extra ingredient designed to limit DHT. This is a better formula for hair regrowth. DHT is kept at bay and there is a better supply of nutrients available to their hair follicle maximising the chances of successful hair regrowth.      Minoxidil is also approved, in fact is the only product approved, by the FDA for use by women as a hair regrowth treatment.        Whilst no product has been shown to work for everybody it would seem that minoxidil when combined with essential hair nutrients and saw palmetto offers one of the best options around.         To find out which product combines minoxidil with essential hair nutrients and saw palmetto visit my website.                                                                                     
Want to find out more about the Best Hairloss Treatment? Or more about using Vitamins To Prevent Hair Loss? Visit Peter's Website Hair 2 Wear. 
For an efficient, fast, durable and natural method visit


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